Descriptions Islamic Fashion : Traditional and Modern Dress in the Muslim World (1Cédérom) PDF
The interpretation of the main Islamic rules for women's dress vary from country to country and are subject to cultural circumstances and individual styles. For example, Muslim women in Northern Africa and the Middle East dress very differently from those in Pakistan and Southeast Asia. The basic tenet in Islam that tells people to dress modestly, particularly in public, does not mean that Muslim women are not stylish. There has always been an great interest in beautiful fabrics and well-made clothes in the Islamic World and decorative crafts such as embroidery, passementerie, silk weaving and the like are very regarded. Nowadays, Muslimahs the world over shop for the latest fashions and are highly creative in dressing trendy, elegantly and hijab at the same time. Islamic Fashion contains an extensive overview of dress from several Muslim regions and many pictures of modern Islamic fashion. Also included are photographs and drawings of embroidered, printed and woven decorative elements. A wide selection of these images is saved on the enclosed CD.
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The interpretation of the main Islamic rules for women's dress vary from country to country and are subject to cultural circumstances and individual styles. For example, Muslim women in Northern Africa and the Middle East dress very differently from those in Pakistan and Southeast Asia. The basic tenet in Islam that tells people to dress modestly, particularly in public, does not mean that Muslim women are not stylish. There has always been an great interest in beautiful fabrics and well-made clothes in the Islamic World and decorative crafts such as embroidery, passementerie, silk weaving and the like are very regarded. Nowadays, Muslimahs the world over shop for the latest fashions and are highly creative in dressing trendy, elegantly and hijab at the same time. Islamic Fashion contains an extensive overview of dress from several Muslim regions and many pictures of modern Islamic fashion. Also included are photographs and drawings of embroidered, printed and woven decorative elements. A wide selection of these images is saved on the enclosed CD.
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